Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm Back! and I have a new Realization!

I'm back from a busy School Work! :o

now I'm still busy. I'm cramming my 2DANIM1 rrequirement. woooooo! the truth is that I don't like to cram things but it's unavoidable. *sad* by the way about "Cramming" now I know that this word is very popular in "Education" amongst Highschool and College students. *ehem*

now as I research for the true meaning of "Cramming"

Cramming, also known as Mugging, is the way or practice of taking in mass volumes of information in your head in a short period of time. It is also, working intensively up to the last minute before the deadline of the work.

oh men, I hate to say and admit this but I like to do crammings and the funny here I don't call it Cramming instead I call it Adrenaline Rush. Hahaha...

well it is sometimes effective, my work is sometimes more productive when I do Cramming than not.

But cramming is bad especially in Industries, you will not be able to do cramming i tell you. So, as early as now join me in practicing "Time Management" :)

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